Forum Replies Created
Randy, N4UUJ
UserThank you for your reply: I want to eliminate the greeting message that goes out over the repeater on the air and just have the echolink connect with out an announcement thru the repeater. And, how to I locate the files.. I log on as root….and then how do I get to the files needed to be changed?
FYI I was able to increase the level to the radio by adjusting the alsamixer after maxing the levels on the ICS1 to acceptable level now and it hold after restarting.Randy, N4UUJ
UserHow can I disable the on air greeting when echolink connects and disconnects. The repeater owner does not want the extra chatter.
Randy, N4UUJ
UserSuccess……needed to add nano before the command line /var/www/….
I will write this stuff down in the future before I go on to other things and forget!Randy, N4UUJ
UserAfter successful login
It comes up to root@orp~:#
When I try to use /var/openrepeater/includes/classes/SVXLink.php it returns permission deniedRandy, N4UUJ
Useryes I can log in as pi and raspberry and I can log in as root and OpenRepeater but when I go to a command it says permission denied
Randy, N4UUJ
UserI have been away from this project since June and now I can’t SSH in to the configuration files any more. Says permission denied. I am still on version 2.0.0 and signed in as root and OpenRepeater as PW OK, but the /var/www/openrepeater/includes/classes/SVXLink.php command says permission denied? I know I must be missing something which I have forgotten in the away time and must relearn it.
Echolink is still working OK but need to increase the output level to the transceiver and want to get rid of the “On Air” voice announcement when echolink connects and disconnects. and update to newer versions.
Randy, N4UUJ
UserAaron: The ping pong is maybe a squelch tail problem where the repeater closes and the simplex link responds with a beep which keys up the repeater again and my simplex link responds with a beep and will keep on until I end the echolink session. This is before I try to use PTT on echolink. I have made my changes in the svxlink.conf file. I realize that is not the place to change it but it had worked on 2.0.0 .
Randy, N4UUJ
UserHello Aaron, Version 2.1.1 works good in simplex mode to use as an echolink simplex link to our local repeater (thank you), except I once again have the “ping pong” when the repeater drops…the simplex link answers back with a beep which keys the repeater again, etc.
I had solved the problem by increasing the SQL_Start_Delay from 1 to 1000 in my old modified version but that does not seem to have any effect with the new 2.1.1. I tried 1200 with no change. Tried the old version and all OK, so nothing else has changed with the repeater. I have checked all the values and lines and they appear the same as my old program (svxlink.conf) but does not work the same. Any ideas of what to try. I have no short or long id’s and no courtesy tone, as requested by the repeater owner. Using COS with Yeasu FT1500 data DIN input and ICS 1X controller. Open_ON_SQL=1 and OPEN_SQL_FLANK=OPEN.
Randy N4UUJRandy, N4UUJ
UserI see two new versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1. Are they ready for us to use or should we wait for further documentation. Randy N4UUJ
Randy, N4UUJ
UserGreetings: I have noticed that the first letter of the morse code ID is cut off on my simplex repeater for echolink. Is this the same issue? I have looked for some place to adjust the delay in the TX audio. Also I have the SQL START set to =1000 to stop ping pong of repeater as suggested by another SVX user, which has worked; but may have caused other unintended effects. Comments? Randy N4UUJ