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  • in reply to: QSO Recorder #3360
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Hi Jason,
    I actually flirted with this feature a month or two ago. I got it to work to some degree but didn’t fully test it yet, more of a proof of concept. You’d need to make some hard coded PHP arrays within the /var/www/openrepeater/includes/classes/SVXLink.php class file. I You’d have to generated code that writes out a new section for the recorder, then add the PHP array element to the logic section that you’d want to call it. You also need to make sure that SVXLink has write access to the folder.

    I even create a crude page to view the list of the folder and play them back within a browser. Nothing I have committed yet. I’d have to boot up a different stick to see the files.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

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    in reply to: RM-Maxtrac-RM to Rpi with ORP? #3354
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Yes the site does currently block URLs except from admins.

    The branch for the script would be under 2.2.x

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

    in reply to: RM-Maxtrac-RM to Rpi with ORP? #3351
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    By default 2.1.2 and I think back to maybe 2.0.0, port 1 functions as a full duplex repeater, any additional ports are setup as simplex ports with reduced ID and all link together.

    In 2.2.0, I’ve reworked the back end to add more support for the SVXLink linking feature. The new linking features are going to be referred to in ORP as link groups. You can have up to link groups and put each port into one of those four groups. Yes, four is to deal with an large amount of ports. ICS has been working on an 8 port controller. The links can be set as persistent or on demand. In 2.2.0, some of that has to be configured through the temporary dev_ui and PHP arrays as mentioned above to get the proper settings into the database that the backend expects. When 3.0 is release it will expose these setting in a more friendly way in the UI.

    Aside from EchoLink (which is Ham), we do have a beta module for FRN (Free Radio Network). Some of the work we are doing on 3.0 is to make way to add different port types in the future like VOIP ports using SVXReflector. This is not tied into a Ham only network, so it should be a good candidate for GMRS users.

    I went ahead and got my GMRS license last year. So once things settle down, I hope to do some more configuration options with ORP and GMRS applications.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

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    in reply to: How to rebuild config from CLI #3350
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    I think you are on the correct path. Yes you would have to fire /var/www/openrepeater/functions/svxlink_update.php or a copy of it to update the config files. That is what the button triggers. While you should be able to run PHP from the cli or a bash script, note that the svxlink_update.php does have a session wrapper on it to check to see if the user is actively logged in. This might cause issues from the cli. You’d have to bypass it or make a copy with the bypass. That PHP fires off some PHP class files that do the majority of the work.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

    in reply to: RM-Maxtrac-RM to Rpi with ORP? #3338
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    No problem and it is coming. Just keep an eye out for version 3 of ORP as it will be accessible within the new UI.

    If you are comfortable with Linux and RPI, then you would likely have no issues building a 2.2.0 image using our script on GitHub. To implement the USB RIM device, it is just a matter of editing a PHP file (which some example configs exist) and running that file to inject the proper settings into the DB. This is a run once operation. The 3.0 UI will just make this more accessible and straight forward.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

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    in reply to: Permanent connection of two repeaters #3337
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Hello Klaus,
    This function is not built into ORP just yet, but it is on my todo list after getting 3.0 released. From the config side to write out the files it would currently involve hard coding some PHP to write the config. 2.2.0, already contains part of the linking functionality via the temporary dev_ui. The [ReflectorLogic] sections are not there yet. I believe that there may be some custom compiling of SVXLink or SvxReflector, but I am not completely certain as I’ve not really had a chance to dig into this yet. It’s on my to do list, so if you make any headway, or want to help get it built into ORP, please let me know. Thanks.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

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    in reply to: How to rebuild config from CLI #3336
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Hello Jason,
    What you are trying to accomplish is a bit more complex. Even at the straight SVXLink level, you are unable to change settings in the svxlink.conf file and have those settings reflect in SVXLink without restarting the SVXLink process itself. The config file gets read at startup.

    ORP adds an extra level of complexity on top of this as it stores it’s settings in a database and used those to write to the config files. Any changes you make in config files anyways would be overwritten by the ORP UI anytime a rebuild is initiated from the Web UI.

    The best way that I can think of to do this (besides rewriting/recompiling the SVXLink source code) would be to author a custom module to handle the task. On the SVXLink side this involves some TCL scripting and figuring out what procedure/function to hook into. On the ORP side with modules there is some extra wrapper code that you would need to add to make it “installable” and able to be initiated by ORP.

    In the 19.x release of SVXLink I believe they added some extra courtesy/roger beep and CW id settings that didn’t exist before. ORP is still utilizing it’s means to implement these by writing out custom TCL overrides on some of the logic. You can try looking at /var/www/openrepeater/includes/classes/SVXLink_TCL.php which is the PHP class that handles this. This is invoked by /var/www/openrepeater/functions/svxlink_update.php upon a rebuild. You should have some understanding of PHP and object oriented programming to tackle this as the PHP classes are written in mostly OOP.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

    in reply to: RM-Maxtrac-RM to Rpi with ORP? #3333
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Yes in theory you should be able to…although it is still in development. You would have to do a custom build of 2.2.x using the GitHub script. 2.2.x has added some backend code updates to add support for Hidraw type devices. I have done some general testing with the DMK-URI and with the USB-RIM Lite…which is the close cousin to the RIM-Maxtrac. I think the circuitry is identical, but the connection is different. To set it up it would require you to use the temporary dev_ui to push some settings into the database. This would require editing some PHP arrays. It’s a work around until the new 3.0 UI redesign is completed. At that time it would be married with the 2.2.x code base.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

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    in reply to: Need coode modes to work through an SCOM 7330 RPTR CNTR #3327
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    #1 – For power cycling the Pi forcibly and remotely (i.e after a scripted shutdown), you could use a smart plug instead of a Arduino. It’s basically the relay and a microcontroller with wifi in a small package. I would just recommend getting something that is ESP based and Flashable with 3rd party firmware like Tasmota. Many of the popular ones on Amazon (like the Teckin ones) have switched to a RealTek chipset which is not flashable at all OR they have patched their stock frimware (Tuya) where it cannot be flashed OTA with something like Tuya-Convert. You can still crack them open and solder wires on to flash them with a 3.3v serial converter, but many of these plugs are glued shut and are difficult to open. Maybe check out the Sonoff S31…it’s easy to open (if you need to) and there are plenty of videos on YouTube about it. It’s available in a few flavors I believe (wifi/zigbee). Dan and I were just discussing these smart plugs he other day.

    #3 – Per Dan’s comment I have implemented automatic outputs of PTY configuration for each logic section in the svxlink.conf for testing and future use in the 2.2.0 branch. I committed those not too long ago. They have not been fully tested, but in initial tests seem to work OK. If you build a 2.2.0 build and encounter errors with the PTY it would likely be a permissions issue.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

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    in reply to: RB_STM32_DVM #3320
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Hello Ryan,
    ORP is purely analog at this time. The Repeater Builder STM32_DMV is a microcontroller board for DV modes like DMR, D-Star, and Fusion. It is pretty much the same microcontroller that you’d find on a JumboSpot or other variety of PiStar type hot spots…but without the lower power transceiver chip. Instead it has other hardware to interface it to external radios. So while it might appear similar to say the ICS Controllers Pi Repeater boards, the behavior is vary different and not supported at this time.

    We are working on support for another one of Scott’s (at Repeater Builder) interfaces…the USB RIM Lite (the other RIMs should work also). We have back end code in our development branch 2.2.0. This won’t be fully implemented until the new 3.0 UI is completed. If you can get around linux command line and a little PHP editing doesn’t scare you, I can instruct you on how to build a 2.2.0 image and how to configure a RIM or even a URI. The ICS boards are also pretty nice as well.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Aaron, N3MBH.
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