Forum Replies Created
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorJeff,
To upload the module you can download it from GitHub. Select the “Clone or Download” dropdown and click on the Download Zip. Then upload the zip file into ORP to install.As for enabling and disabling linking between sections yes and no. Yes it is doable as it is in the SVXLink core, but it has not been built into the ORP UI yet. It is certainly possible with a little bit of hacking.
Check out: and search for “CONNECT_LOGICS”. ORP is building a linking section between the duplex logic (port 1) and simplex logic (port 2), but it doesn’t include the DTMF codes or announcement text. Certainly can modify the PHP file that builds the config and hard code it on your install until we build that feature in. Certainly doable.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorJeff,
Here is a reply to your addition questions:1) How is the Audio from Ports 1 & 2 routed? Both kept separate, or Mixed? Can it be modified with the UI in that I don’t know coding…LOL
The audio is routed via software. In it’s standard configuration port 1 is a duplex repeater port and any additional ports are simplex link ports that are tied into the repeater logic.There is currently one quick & easy simplex node option available from the drop down. That will treat each port as a separate simplex logic, but it is ready indented to use use one port for the purposes of a simplex node.2) COS from port 1 keys PTT 1 and PTT 2, where as Port 2 keys only PTT 1, I ask because I would like to add a remote base to port 2 at some point, and that situation would be ideal
The reason you are seeing this behavior is a carry over from my answer above. Port 1 is duplex and port 2 is simplex link. COS on port 2 will key PTT1, but you won’t set PTT2 key because port 2 is simplex.3) Referencing item #2 above, is there a way (by DTMF) to disable port 2 PTT thus shutting off the remote base function.
If you are not using port 2 right now you can simply delete it and you won’t see the extra PTT keying up as it won’t build it into the config4) How far along is the Transmitter based Fan timer module? It would be a great option.
I believe Dan & I pretty much has this usable. It won’t trigger the fan as quickly as we’d like as we are waiting form some updates to be pushed into a future release of SVXLink that will allow faster timing. But it should kick on and off in under a minute.There are some ways with some “hacking” to make different logic setups that won’t get overwritten. You’d need to edit some PHP files to do so. I’ve been working on converting a lot of the build functions over to PHP classes. This allows for simpler addressing of a section. There are only the two presets options right now, but there could be future options added to the drop down without too much work. These are sort of an interim solution until I rework the interfaces UI.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorJeff,
Glad to see that Dan was able to answer some of your questions. There is a board preset feature both in the initial wizard as well as at the bottom of the interface page. You can simply select the Pi Repeater 2x (ver 3.1+) and load the preset. What this will do is copy all the information from a database of presets into the port settings above. This include port labels, GPIO values and Active High/Low settings. It will also set the alsamixer settings in linux for you so that should be one less thing for your to worry about. If you don’t need the 2nd port on the 2X you can simply remove it and update the ports.Also be aware that the active high/low settings under the gear icon for each port you shouldn’t have to worry about. Those are only between the 2X board and the pie and are different than the high low settings on the board that affect the relationship between the board and the 2x…if that makes sense. Thought that could be an area of confusion.
To Answer your questions:
1) If I desire CTCSS access only which input takes priority keying the PTT COS or CTCSS in?
Use the COS pin on the DB9 as the CTCSS pin currently does nothing (it’s for the future). Set your PL settings in your receive radio.2) Running the controller without radios attached the “short ID goes off every 9 minutes (which was set in the initial setup)
Not sure if there is a question here or not but that sounds normal. In the upcoming 2.2.0 version we will be adding support for an SVXLink function that will only send the short ID if the repeater is currently active. This will be selectable and will not affect the long ID.3) What do the LED’s on the corner of the board indicate?
I believe ICS has notations of these in their documentation on the board. There should be six LEDS, three for each port. For each port there is a PTT LED, COS LED, and a CTCSS LED (currently not used).4) On the “interface” tab on the UI under “PORT SETTINGS” (both 1 and 2)
EXTRA Settings”
RX Control Mode = COS
RX Active GIPO State = Active Low
TX Active GIPO State = Active HI
Do I change those to match the PI 2X switches or leave them alone and configure the switches to match my radio?
–See my explanation above for more detail, but this looks correct. You should only need to worry the switches on the 2X board as that is what affects the state between the interface and the radios.Hope that is of help.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorWe were discussing this on a different support channel. But to briefly update things here. The simplex logic (of SVXLink) doesn’t behave in the same manner as the Repeater logic does. We can make updates in the /var/www/openrepeater/functions/svxlink_update.php to include the courtesy tone overrides like they are in the repeater logic; however, they will not be fully utilized. SVXLink TCL files would probably need modified to make the simplex logics behave in a similar manner as the repeater logics.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorYou should also be able to use the above method to test the relays as well.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorI think Juan has some videos available that go through the testing. You can probably just setup up the GPIOs straight in the OS and toggle the outputs to verify PTT functionality then cat the value of the input pins while simulating the RX COS state. This is all done under /sys/class/gpio
This is an old but decent article:
Juan’s schematic should have all the GPIO pin numbers outlined.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorSorry for the delayed response. I am currently out of town. IRLP and Allstar are not currently supported by ORP. There are discussions on working to incorporate those but it will take some work. I’ve heard rumors that there have been folks that have gotten both to work with SVXLink directly, but I’ve yet to run across a tutorial that would facilitate us building this into the code base. If you find anything let us know.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorHello Paul,
I am thinking that the issue that you are experiencing with the SVXLink card and ORP 2.1.1 has to do with the removal of the Remote Relay module from version 2.1.1, but the board presets still has settings in array for those relays. I am not a home right now to test this, but I think that there may be a work around for this.- First, if you have not gotten past the wizard, then select another board as a dummy board like an ICS board or just do a manual setup.
- Once you can log in, go to the modules page and click on the link in the upper right find modules. Download the Remote Relay Module, then upload/install it into ORP. You shouldn’t need to activate it at this time.
- Go to the interfaces page, and select the board preset again for the SVXLink Card.
- You may need to rebuild/restart if prompted
I think that should correct your issue. If not, let me know and I can help you with a manual setup.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorTo log in to the Web UI, use this KB Article: log in via SSH (i.e. Putty) use this KB Article: that the pi user has been removed on our builds for security and comparability reasons.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorTo those that may be interested, there is a Rig Control module (utilizing the HamLib RigCtl library) that is in development. Again it will probably be beta for a while and will be limited to what RigCtl supports:
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.