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  • #1819


    New to Svxlink. I was able to install and configure SVXlink on a Raspberry PI 2B using the ISO i downloaded from the website.

    Went through setup and with the exception of wiring COS, controller was working fine.

    For some reason, now i can not log into Svxlink webpage. It takes user name and password but cycles back to the username and password page.

    Is there a way to reset the web GUI?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Mike, W8VPC.
    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Hi Mike,
    I am going to go under the assumption that you are using the default username and password (admin / openrepeater) and have not change your password.

    The user information is stored in a SQLite database and is hashed and salted. What ORP does is when you log in it will starts a session once it verifies that your credentials are correct. If that has expired or has been destroyed (logged out) you will get redirected back to the login page.

    My guess is something is funky with your browser. Have you tried clearing your cache? Before you do that, I would try a different browser or computer and see if you can log in with that.

    In the future I hope to make the user functions a little more robust, but for now they should suit most purposes.

    If the browser is not the issue there might be a way to edit the database, but with the records being encrypted it might be a pain. It would probably be better at this point to reimage your SD card if you are not too far in. It should only take a few minutes and it isn’t too hard to get back up to speed.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.


    Thanks Aaron,

    I thought it might be a issue with the browser. Since it is easy to reconfigure, i started over.

    i changed the password after the initial setup.

    mike w8vpc


    After I got a look at the svxlink file in /var/log I noticed the image that I had included entries from February. I found that the log file got so large that the application was no longer logging me in.

    After re-imaging it the first time and changing the password, I found that if i deleted the log file the system would let me log in again.

    I don’t know enough to say as to why the file is allowed to get so large, because it appears maybe there is a process to create new files and archive? (.gz files?) the old logs, but deleting this fixed my login problems.

    If the authors have any ideas for future fixes, maybe the could be included to automatically prevent whatever the underlying core issue is – it is beyond my capabilities for now.

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback. How big is your SD card? Also, regardless of how big your SD card is you will need to expand it as the default space allocated to the partition from the imaged file is 2GB. Expanding the file system will allow this to fill the entire card. See this KB article:

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.


    I also having big issues to log in.
    Formatted the 32Gig SD card (many times) and then used etcher to write the sd card.
    The rpi2 (tryed RPI3 also with same result) boot up nicley, soundcard is flahsing,
    and when I try to log in via Putty with admin & openrepeater, the program don’t accept.

    No problem to log in with pi & raspberry, but after reboot/exit or dis the power, no chans to log in.
    Not even with monitor and keyboard connected, type in direct to the RPI2.
    File used: O-R RPI2-3 1.1.0 Tryed also the beta file only for RPI2, but with same result….

    Best 73 de Peter

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Just to retouch on this issue…I had not encountered this myself until last week. I was working on a development image on a small card. I downloaded some packages and filled up the allowed space. It seams that once the card is full ORP will boot, but can only read but not write to the database or the web server log. THIS WILL PREVENT LOGIN.

    If you have a good sized card, be sure to expend the installation to fill the card to give you more space as the initial partition when first imaged is quite small.

    See this KB article:

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

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