Forum Replies Created
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorSorry no one got back to you sooner. My recommendation would be to leave the Pi set as DHCP and set your static IP within your router. This is usually way more reliable and flexible.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorHello Dale. The plan would be do a new build when the new 3.0 is release. We don’t have a definitive time frame on that. It’s not always as simple as building an existing version of ORP on a new OS release as there are usually things that break and we need to spend time testing. Unfortunately, life is getting in the way of the few of us that are working on development between family health issues, new jobs, and moving. Any time that we do get, we usually want to try to channel in to advancing the 3.0 development. Thank you for your interest.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorI’d hope you have this sorted by now, but if not: what does “date” give you when you issue it in an ssh/command line window?
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorSounds like you are looking for a VNC server. I have used TightVNC on windows. I believe it is also available for linux.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorA possible solution might be to use a small travel route. I have used GL-iNet routers and they support Wireguard profiles. I do the opposite and have a VPN profile setup on my devices and I can VPN back into my home router (Unifi UDMP) and access anything on my network like it was local including my ORP test setup. I can use any number of options once in my network like file sharing, remote desktop/VNC, SSH, etc. I find this vastly more flexible and sure to do at the router level.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorInteresting concept. Maybe something we might consider. But we might have to weight that with how frequently is would be used by other user and it it would cause bloat. Additionally, there are a number of other DDNS services besides NO-IP. These are typically packages that get added by the user for specific use cases.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorThe should be entirely possible with the current cofiguration without any modification of the code. This would assume that you’d be using one unit/band as the input frequency and the other unit/band as the output band. This is what I would refer to as a “one-way” cross band setup. It would function much like a regular repeater…just on two bands instead of with a offset frequency within the same band.
You can also do this on a single port and treat it as a regular repeater within ORP. You would just need to make up a DB9 splitter cable from the Pi Repeater 2x port 1 that splits out to the two radios…1 as an input and the other as an output.
I have given this some thought before but have never gotten around to testing in the real world. It would be great because you could use a diplexer for filtering and using a single dual band antenna instead of using larger duplexer cans. It would make it more portable. Then you would just set up your dual band HT to transmit on the one band and receive on the other band…very similar to how you’d communicate with a satellite on two bands. Hope that gives you a good starting point.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorWhat would be the use case. Auto patches seem to be lesser and lesser used as time progresses. Their heyday was before cellphones became prolific. I don’t think I’ve see much talk about auto patches over on the SVXLink side of things.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorSVXLink does have a variable called DTMF_MUTING. ORP enables this by default (hard coded). You could modify some PHP code to disable DTMF_MUTING and make it pass the DTMF. It would be an all or nothing approach…On or off. Once version 3 of ORP is released it will included overrides to make this easier.
As for muting this on the RX side for both the main repeater but not on a simplex link, I cannot think up how to achieve this or if it would be doable.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.
Aaron, N3MBH
Forum AdministratorMy test setup is down at the moment so I cannot dig in too deep at the moment. I was thinking that it might be one of the sound files. I browsed through the sound files and SVXLink doesn’t appear to be playing a “beep” sound from what I can tell looking through the sound folders for “core”, “default”, and “echolink”. If that was the case I was going to suggest you just replace the sound with a silent file. So that leads me to believe that it would be generating the beep using synthesis. So my next guess would be that it is would be in a TCL file. So probably EchoLink.tcl or ModuleEchoLink.tcl. I cannot recall the exact path to those files a the moment. However, if it is not in their then that probably means that it is in the compiled C++ code that SVXLink is written in which would involve digging that up in the code and recompiling SVXLink from scratch.
You may find an answer over at Let us know.
Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.