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  • #1876

    Is there any way to interface another radio or internet link (Not EchoLink) using Open Repeater for a commercial repeater controller.

    If this is not a feature is this able to be made?

    Maybe a PTT button and sound streaming via web interface?


    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    SVXLink core has support for the but it is not built into ORP yet because of UI complexities.

    Check out and you can certainly hack your ORP install to your liking.

    Hope that helps.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.



    Did you find a solution ? I am looking for the same

    / lars


    Hi Lars,

    Not yet, I’ve had to put this project on hold for now due to lack of time.

    If you find any solutions then let me know


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