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  • #1951

    I’ve tried to upload a custom audio file for identification in both wav or mp3. I’ve produced the file as 16 KHz 16 bit wav file.

    The result is that the interface tell me the file have been succcesfully uploaded and converted to the right format, but it’s not in the list. Also it’s not in the /var/lib/openrepeater/sounds/identification folder.

    If I tried to upload it manually in that folder so I see the file in the list and I can select it, but, the id does not start and the log says wav has illegal header.

    Anyone succesfully uploaded a custom audio file? Not sure of it’s a bug or a problem of my installation.

    Thanks, Mauro IW3ROW


    Partially solved, see this topic about svxlink:

    I’ve uploaded my wav file manually to /var/lib/openrepeater/sounds/identification, then reconverted with sox and now it plays fine.

    Anyway the web interface uploader is not working for me…

    Mauro IW3ROW

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    I will see if I can have a look at it when get back to working on some updates. Perhaps you can send me your original wave files for testing?

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.


    Hi, ok Where can I send you the files? Email address?

    Thanks, Mauro

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    I sent you an email.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Thanks for your patience. I’ve been looking into this while I’ve been working on some other updates. There doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with the web interface and php scripting. In fact, the same code works fine on my development board (Beaglebone Black) and I can upload, convert, and playback the WAV and MP3 files that you sent to me without issues.

    When I tried to do the same on my RPI3 that I am using for testing it didn’t work…It said it was successful, but it wasn’t. The RPI3 has some newer UI code on it, pulled from the development branch but the system is based on the 1.1.0 IMG files. The issue seems like it might be two fold.

    The first appears that the sox audio utility that the PHP script relies on is not installed. You can verify this by typing:

    which sox

    If it’s installed you will get a path back. From your post above you said that you converted your files with sox. I am not sure if you did this on your board if you did it on another machine.

    For those that need to install sox on the 1.1.0 image, SSH into the board as root (directions) and run the following command at the prompt:

    apt-get install sox

    You may need to reboot afterwards.

    The other item that might be an issues is permission on the web interface folder. There is a symlink in there that points to where the sound are actually located. On my board, this was set incorrectly, but that could be do to me using git to pull down development files and recreating symlinks. All the other folders outside of the web root seem to be set find. If you need to change the permissions, the easiest thing is probably just to reset the entire web folder with this command:

    chown www-data:www-data /var/www/openrepeater -R

    Hope that helps!

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

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