Category Archives: Dev Projects

OpenRepeater Project: Logo Design

Open Repeater Projection

Well, I know it has been slow going, but we are working on restructuring some of the code so we have a good foundation to build upon. Mathew Peterson is playing a key part in helping with that. In the meantime, here is something everyone can help out with…no coding experience required. A good while […]

UPDATE: The Future of the Project

What’s Happening with the Project? First, I would like to thank everyone that has expressed interest in this project. I have received numerous offerings from people willing to help and just as many wanting to know where the project stands. No, the project is not dead. Unfortunately, I’ve just been swamped with work projects and […]

[VIDEO] Possible Use For Pi Controller / Repeater

The above video has nothing to do directly with this Raspberry Pi Repeater project, but this can server as an example of how a portable repeater system could be deployed. The use of a tripod type base with an antenna mounted on top and an enclosure on the side of the mast. This could house […]

Phonetic Pi

Today’s little subproject for my Raspberry Pi Repeater Controller project is writing a subprocess to convert call signs to phonetic alphabet for voice identification. This will give users even more flexibility when setting up the controller for their setup. They will be able to choose between having the voice identification speak their call sign in […]

It’s Here…

Well…it’s here. My Raspberry Pi has arrived. My first project with it is my Raspberry Pi Repeater Controller. I have setup all the package dependencies on it, copied all my code I’ve been working on in a virtual environment over the last few weeks, and started working with some basic GPIO circuitry to interface with […]

UPDATE on Raspberry Pi Repeater Project.

So over the last couple weeks, I’ve been working on a new project to develop a low cost, low power, but feature rich duplex repeater controller suitable for setting up a temporary / emergency repeater systems with radios that can be run on portable power. This is all going to be based on the Raspberry […]