Forum Replies Created
Jerry, W5BFF
UserDTMF but from what i have read there is no dtmf tones to turn off the tx side,= stop audio going to the easy digi unit…
The quick, nasty, and easy way to enable this is to go to:
Edit the svxlink.conf file and under the [RepeaterLogic] section, add this to the bottom:
(Note: Replace “1234” with your online/offline code)
In my example, to enable the TX side of the repeater, you would send the DTMF code 12341#. To disable the repeater, you would send 12340#.
Your code + 1 (Enable) + # (Execute Command)
Your code + 0 (Disable) + # (Execute Command)Hope this helps!
-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF
Jerry, W5BFF
UserIT WORKED! Well…. sorta….
I had to do a lot of experimenting and swapping, but where I’m at right now is this:
COR/COS is routed to the RPi 2 and the ID-O-Matic (The I-O-M just so the controller knows to pass audio. I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I have an LED that indicates carrier present by turning red. All other controller functions in the I-O-M have been disabled)
I bypassed the Easy Digi for the audio I/O. The audio is parallel coming in and going out from the radios with the soundcard audio. The audio is routed through an ID-O-Matic, thus eliminating the audio delay I was experiencing by routing the full duplex audio through the RPi 2.
Before bypassing the Easy Digi for audio isolation, I was having a real hard time balancing the RF vs Net audio. When I bypassed the Easy Digi and just ran the audio parallel, I brought the RPi audio level up to the same as the audio from the RX radio. There just seemed to be too much loss sending the audio through the isolation transformers.
Between the RPi, the I-O-M, and the Easy Digi, I have a pile of wiry mess. I want to redraw a single PCB that has the components the Easy Digi and I-O-M that I need from each with a 40-pin GPIO header that will make a nice tidy single RPi hat.
Before sinking that much effort into the project, I may check out the existing SVXLink Card kit and see if the proverbial wheel has already been invented… but that’s what I’ve figured out to this point.
Jerry, W5BFF
UserDoing some googling, I found a NO_REPEAT switch that will allow bypassing the audio to be regurgitated from the CPU.
I’m still mulling over the COR/COS and PTT functions of an ID-O-Matic IV, and controlling them with SVXLink while letting the audio to pass through the ID-O-Matic. I’d still want audio to go in/out through the soundcard for Echolink, and I’d want to use ORP for the courtesy tone, ID/announcement, and DTMF macros.
If I can marry the two together, I may just figure out how to get the best of both worlds.
Jerry, W5BFF
UserUPDATE: Regarding audio quality, I followed the advice in this thread >> << and it INSTANTLY cured that problem.
Now I can focus on full duplex audio latency. So far, I’ve tried to hard code my CPU frequency to 900MHz, but I’m still showing it to drop to 600MHz at times.
While my audio quality is superb, I’m still having quite a delay in repeater operations…
Jerry, W5BFF
UserAudio quality (not distortion just tone balance) is something I can tweak… my main concern was the audio delay.
With my CPU running at 900MHz, I’m hearing my whole call sign echoed back to me this morning.
I was wondering if there was a way to split of the A/D <-> D/A processing onto a soundcard processor so that it wasn’t so resource-intensive on the Pi itself?
…and I wonder if the BBB does any better?
Jerry, W5BFF
UserI’ve done quite a few hard shutdowns on my RPi with no consequence once I got the properly rated SD card. The only issues I’ve had was using the lower-rated SD cards, and it didn’t matter if I shut the Pi down properly or not.
With a production repeater, it’s not that difficult or expensive to build in some power redundancy… I know a Pi can run a good while on AA batteries!