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  • in reply to: new ICS 1X board settings #2675

    Hi Dan, I have a RX radio but have TX audio in to an audio amp to monitor output and PTT disconnected. (I have no duplexer or other means to isolate RX and TX frequencies)
    I have COS switch in the LOW position (according to the manual diagram).
    Front LED lights when I key my HT and also the back LED lights.
    Front LED goes off when I unkey HT and the back LED remains on for a few seconds and then goes off.
    If COS switch is set to high (toward the level adjust pots) front LED stays on all the time and goes off when I key HT and send DTMF “*”. Back LED never lights and log says ignoring DTMF tone “*” since repeater is not up. I have squelch set very high on radio to prevent any stray noise but will get random ID’s and courtesy beeps, possibly from noise from receiver.
    So setting to LOW allows DTMF tones to be decoded and repeater responses to commands.

    in reply to: new ICS 1X board settings #2671

    UPDATE: I have ICS 1X board configured and my cable to my radio set properly and now it decodes DTMF tones and responds properly. ( I was using one radio which obviously could not transmit and receive at the same time.) I can activate echolink module and connect to the test server, but cannot connect to other nodes yet. My router will work with my single op call N4UUJ cell phone but not the N4UUJ-R. Will keep digging. Does the repeater log give an indication when Echolink actually connects to a node? On a regular computer based Echolink, you get more of an indication of what is going on. What should I expect to see or experience when it is in operation in Echolink mode. I believe it would operate now as a regular repeater, but my goal is either a Echolink link to a local repeater or a stand alone echolink (simplex?) repeater.

    in reply to: new ICS 1X board settings #2669

    Arron, I understand better now. I was changing the board presets to match the radio. So I should leave the presets as they are loaded and then matching the radio will be thru the board switch and the cable. My radio uses an active high. This was where I started with the COS switch set to High. Repeater ID’s but will not respond to DTMF and neither LED is on. If I set COS switch to low, the radio goes into transmit as soon as I key up. I think, this is where I need to be but….. Should I have two radios connected or disconnect the PTT for testing purposes. Dan also mentioned a simplex setting might be necessary? Also, I have both the Echolink my -L and -R calls registered and shows as up on the Echolink user list as active but I can not see anything in the log that shows it responds and all attempts “time out”. (may be port setting issues). What do I need to look at to proceed. Thank you for your and Dan’s help.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Randy, N4UUJ.
    in reply to: new ICS 1X board settings #2666

    Set for COS RX High TX low switch OFF cycles transmitter on/off TX led on SQU led blinks then TX again cycling on/off
    Set for COS RX High TX Low switch ON Both leds off and says repeater not up when I send “*”
    Set COS on and RX H TX H switch on TX constant both leds on

    SET COS on RX H TXH switch off TX constant TX led on SQU led off

    SET COS on RX HI TX Low switch on no leds on switch off…squ led on …Log reads:
    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: Starting logic: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1:

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: Loading RX: RX_Port1

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: Loading TX: TX_Port1

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: Event handler script successfully loaded.

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (0)

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:54 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16But does not respond. Also says TX is on, but it is off and TX led is off.:17:07 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: digit=* Later says transmit has been on too long and then turns transmit ON constant.

    Sun Dec 16 16:17:39 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: digit=*Sun Dec 16 16:25:32 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:33 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is CLOSED (-0.566987)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:34 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter OFF

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:36 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (1.6612)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:36 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:37 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is CLOSED (-0.675321)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:38 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter OFF

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:40 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (0.0363401)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:40 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:41 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is CLOSED (-0.429737)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:42 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (-0.190076)

    Cycles but transmitter is not turning on. Are the numbers in parentheses squelch/COS voltages?

    in reply to: new ICS 1X board settings #2665

    Thanks for your reply. You are speaking of the physical switch on the board itself? What should the settings for the EXTRA SETTINGS on ORP be for the RX and TX. I have set for COS and set set RX to High but on TX I either get no response or transmit locked on.
    On my cable I have:
    1X pin 3 to radio pin 3 PTT,
    1X pin 4 to pin 1 on radio TX input
    1X pin 5 to 1200 baud? audio from radio (should it be 1200 or 9600)
    1X pin 6 to radio pin 2 ground
    1X pin 7 to radio pin 6 COS/SQU

    The red LED nearest the cable connector is for squelch open? and the red LED 0n other end opposite end is for TX ON PPT?

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