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  • #2663

    I have new ICS-1X board and using Yeasu FT1500 Transceiver. Goal is an Echolink link or repeater. Using the SQU output on pin 6 of Data port for COS. Have tried many combinations but nothing works correctly. Unit ID’s over radio. When I enter tones..says ignoring DTMF tones since repeater is not up. Have tried VOX first as suggested but same. Says that Echolink is up but no response. Where do I start. Do I need an interface for COS circuit. Can I get any response with VOX for a test.

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: welcome to redistribute it in accordance with the terms and conditions in the

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: GNU GPL (General Public License) version 2 or later.

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018:

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Using configuration file: /etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: — Using sample rate 48000Hz

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018:

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Starting logic: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Loading RX: RX_Port1

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Loading TX: TX_Port1

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Loading module “ModuleEchoLink” into logic “ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1”

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Found /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/svxlink/

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: Module EchoLink v1.4.1 starting…

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: Event handler script successfully loaded.

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:22 2018: EchoLink directory status changed to ON

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:24 2018: — EchoLink directory server message: —

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:24 2018: EchoLink Server v2.5.9997

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:24 2018:

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:24 2018: ECHOEC2-1: Herndon, VA USA

    Sat Dec 15 21:44:24 2018:
    Sat Dec 15 21:44:24 2018:

    Sat Dec 15 21:45:57 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: digit=*

    Sat Dec 15 21:45:57 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: Ignoring DTMF digit “*” since the repeater is not up

    Dan, KG7PAR
    Forum Administrator

    Hi Randy,

    If you have ground and COS from the 6 pin connector you should be good for cabling. I suspect you need to move the COS switch on the controller board. The default setting is active low COS as all our radios are active low for testing. Looking at the operating manual for your radio, it is active high. This should get you going with the COS opening the repeater.


    Thanks for your reply. You are speaking of the physical switch on the board itself? What should the settings for the EXTRA SETTINGS on ORP be for the RX and TX. I have set for COS and set set RX to High but on TX I either get no response or transmit locked on.
    On my cable I have:
    1X pin 3 to radio pin 3 PTT,
    1X pin 4 to pin 1 on radio TX input
    1X pin 5 to 1200 baud? audio from radio (should it be 1200 or 9600)
    1X pin 6 to radio pin 2 ground
    1X pin 7 to radio pin 6 COS/SQU

    The red LED nearest the cable connector is for squelch open? and the red LED 0n other end opposite end is for TX ON PPT?


    Set for COS RX High TX low switch OFF cycles transmitter on/off TX led on SQU led blinks then TX again cycling on/off
    Set for COS RX High TX Low switch ON Both leds off and says repeater not up when I send “*”
    Set COS on and RX H TX H switch on TX constant both leds on

    SET COS on RX H TXH switch off TX constant TX led on SQU led off

    SET COS on RX HI TX Low switch on no leds on switch off…squ led on …Log reads:
    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: Starting logic: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1:

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: Loading RX: RX_Port1

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: Loading TX: TX_Port1

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: Event handler script successfully loaded.

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:52 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (0)

    Sun Dec 16 16:16:54 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16But does not respond. Also says TX is on, but it is off and TX led is off.:17:07 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: digit=* Later says transmit has been on too long and then turns transmit ON constant.

    Sun Dec 16 16:17:39 2018: ORP_RepeaterLogic_Port1: digit=*Sun Dec 16 16:25:32 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:33 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is CLOSED (-0.566987)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:34 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter OFF

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:36 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (1.6612)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:36 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:37 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is CLOSED (-0.675321)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:38 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter OFF

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:40 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (0.0363401)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:40 2018: TX_Port1: Turning the transmitter ON

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:41 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is CLOSED (-0.429737)

    Sun Dec 16 16:25:42 2018: RX_Port1: The squelch is OPEN (-0.190076)

    Cycles but transmitter is not turning on. Are the numbers in parentheses squelch/COS voltages?

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Firstly, I moved your topic into the ICS Controllers forum since it pertains to that hardware.

    Dan will be best to help you on some of the hardware settings, but I wanted to ask you if you have tried loading the board presets in on the bottom of the interface page? This should set your sound card levels in alsa as well as the GPIOs, and there active hi/low state that ORP needs to see them. There are two active high/low states that you would need to be aware of: 1) would be between the Pi/OS/and your 1X board. This is what the board presets will address. Then you shouldn’t have to worry above any of the advanced settings for the port. 2) would be the active high/low relation between your radio and the 1X board. This should be taken care of in your cabling and the COS switch on the 1X board.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.


    Arron, I understand better now. I was changing the board presets to match the radio. So I should leave the presets as they are loaded and then matching the radio will be thru the board switch and the cable. My radio uses an active high. This was where I started with the COS switch set to High. Repeater ID’s but will not respond to DTMF and neither LED is on. If I set COS switch to low, the radio goes into transmit as soon as I key up. I think, this is where I need to be but….. Should I have two radios connected or disconnect the PTT for testing purposes. Dan also mentioned a simplex setting might be necessary? Also, I have both the Echolink my -L and -R calls registered and shows as up on the Echolink user list as active but I can not see anything in the log that shows it responds and all attempts “time out”. (may be port setting issues). What do I need to look at to proceed. Thank you for your and Dan’s help.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Randy, N4UUJ.

    UPDATE: I have ICS 1X board configured and my cable to my radio set properly and now it decodes DTMF tones and responds properly. ( I was using one radio which obviously could not transmit and receive at the same time.) I can activate echolink module and connect to the test server, but cannot connect to other nodes yet. My router will work with my single op call N4UUJ cell phone but not the N4UUJ-R. Will keep digging. Does the repeater log give an indication when Echolink actually connects to a node? On a regular computer based Echolink, you get more of an indication of what is going on. What should I expect to see or experience when it is in operation in Echolink mode. I believe it would operate now as a regular repeater, but my goal is either a Echolink link to a local repeater or a stand alone echolink (simplex?) repeater.

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    Sorry for the delayed reply. I moved your response into this forum for ICS stuff which is relatively new. I never subscribed to the forum, so I was not getting email notifications. Dan may have the same issue, not being subscribed. I will check.

    As for EchoLink, there are some instructions in the EchoLink settings page about opening up some ports on your router. If you’ve use EchoLink on a computer, it should be the same procedure. Without the ports forwarded It will show you as connected to the EchoLink server, but stations won’t be able to connect to your node. The log does show Echolink activity. It will show what server you’ve connected to when you first start up or restart the repeater (SVXLink). It will also show connecting and disconnecting stations in the log.

    As for radios…Yes, as of right now it is best to use a duplex setup with the first port (only port in your case). As ORP is in it’s current state the first port is a duplex port and any additional ports are simplex link ports. It’s in the works to improve the UI for more customization in a future release. If you want to use a single radio, then you’d need to be using a Simplex logic instead of the ORP default duplex/repeater logic. It’s possible, but I may need to help you some code modifications in your case until the UI updates are made.

    There are some classes in place so it would simply be modifying the /var/www/openrepeater/functions/svxlink_update.php file. It has some loops in check the database and make calls to appropriate classes. Let me know if using a simplex logic (one radio) with the modules (i.e. Echolink) is what you are after. I can probably tell you how to make the modifications to your svxlink_update.php file.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

    Dan, KG7PAR
    Forum Administrator

    Hi Randy,

    Looks like the forum move unsubscribed me from the thread.

    Sounds like you have the hardware figured out but let me summarize to make sure i am on the same page as you.

    You have 2 radio for full duplex, one is tx only and one is rx only (wiring forces this)

    The rx radio is wired to cos pin with the cos switch set to active high. When the rx is triggered, the led closest to the front will turn on.

    If configured correctly, this will cause the software to notify you via the logs of squelch open, and then the transmitter will turn on. This is the second red led you will see at the back of the board.

    Upon releasing the RX, the front led will extinguish immediately, but the tx will be delayed about 4 seconds unless you have updated the delay.

    Aaron, N3MBH
    Forum Administrator

    As Dan is describing above, this would be the current setup for two radios. If you happen to be trying to connect this to one radio with the standard repeater logic used for the first port you will get some weird behaviors. Let us know if you intend to use one radio (simplex/half duplex) or two radios (repeater/full duplex). Of course you could run into some desense issues with two radios unless proper separation or RF filtering is used which is an entirely different subject.

    As mentioned, I can probably help you customize to use a simplex logic with one radio if required. It’s been on my bucket list for a while if you wish to be a guinea pig.

    Aaron – N3MBH / WRFV871

    OpenRepeater is offered free of charge. Find out how you can support us.

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