The OpenRepeater team is happy to announce the recent release of version 2.1.2! Version 2.1.2 is an incremental update from 2.1.1. They main change to be concerned with is the addition of Raspberry Pi 4 support. There are some other changes under the hood such as the change to the Raspbian Lite Buster OS, change to PHP 7.3, improvements to the dashboard efficiency, as well as some other minor changes. Other than that there is no functionality changes in this version.
If you would like to see a list of all the changes, we have a version history on the site. You can check that out for a complete list of all changes.
Download OpenRepeater 2.1.2 Today for Raspberry Pi 2/3/3B+/4Love OpenRepeater? It’s offered free of charge. Consider helping support us to keep the project available and going strong. You can make a donation of any size here.